
Bread & Roses is passion heavy and administratively light.
We do not receive government funding of any kind and rely on private donations from individuals, community groups, businesses and foundations. Our extensive community network provides 80% of the food in our programs. In an average year, dedicated volunteers log over 10,000 hours of service.

Where Your Donation Goes
Funds help to make sure we can serve our community nutritious meals, supplement pantry orders and mobile meals with fresh produce and protein, keep our two outreach vans mobile, and ensure we have the team who make it all possible.

How We Grew
Bread & Roses has grown and expanded
significantly since 1980 to keep apace with the need.
Our small but mighty team, cohort of
dedicated volunteers and outreach and Food Rescue van means that we were able to provide over 50,000 households in 2023-2024
with food and other critical support.
Income growth →

A Clear Path Ahead
In 2022-23, we will be continuing to expand our program
reach to meet the increased need in Greater Lawrence and the
Merrimack Valley - serving an estimated 25,000 individuals
and households experiencing hardship.
← Households Served
Additional Info:
As a 501(c)3, all donations are tax deductible. Full financial details can be found on our GuideStar page and on ProPublica.