Bread & Roses is the beating heart of a wide circle of caring and collaboration is at the heart of everything we do.
Bread & Roses partners with a wide spectrum of agencies, organizations, community groups and businesses, including food wholesalers, grocery stores and restaurants across the Merrimack Valley. Fresh, local produce is supplied by local gardens. Meals are provided by regional churches, schools, and local businesses, and our pantry programs are sustained by community food drives and our Food Rescue program. We deliver additional rescued food to a partner agencies in need of food assistance for their patrons. Greater Lawrence Family Health Center provides health services to our guests every week.
We’re grateful to partner with these foundations
who share our vision of assistance to all.
We are proud and honored to be a recipient of a 10-year grant from Cummings Foundation for a total of $750,000!
Bread & Roses has never before received a multi-year grant longer than three years. This is a massive help that allows us to plan for B&R's and our community's future.
This is a incredible honor and we are so grateful to Cummings Foundation for their support and generosity. Learn more about Cummings Foundation at cummingsfoundation.org.

Abbot & Dorothy H. Stevens Foundation
The Alfred E. Chase Foundation
Anthony & Gladys Sakowich Foundation
Artemus W. Stearns & Josephine G. Russell Trusts
Bulens Family Foundation
The Catherine McCarthy Fund
Charles G. Pringle Foundation
The Charlotte Home
Cornelius & Muriel Wood Trusts
Deluca Family Charitable Trust
Frederick E. Weber Charities
Herbert T. Dike Fund
Henke Family Foundation
Lorant Charitable Foundation
Ludcke Foundation
Margaret Collins Charitable Trust
Marianne J.H. Witherby Foundation
McArdle Foundation
Mifflin Memorial Trust
Oedel Foundation
Paul & Harriett Weissman Family Foundation
Rogers Family Foundation
Ruby W. & LaVon P. Linn Foundation
Sawhney Family Foundation
Shanaman Family Foundation
Susanne Smith Purdon Fund
The White Fund
Businesses giving back to their communities
make the magic happen.

Year after year, these generous partners donate goods and services so we can focus on serving our community.

Long standing friendships with churches, schools, agencies and clubs are the heart of B&R.

Andover Baptist Church
Centre Congregational Church
Christ Church of Andover
Christian Fellowship Church of the MV
Collinsville Bible Church
Corpus Christi Parish
Faith Lutheran Church
Baptist Church of Andover
First Baptist Church of Lexington, MA
First Baptist Church of Methuen
First Calvary Baptist Church
First Church Congregational Boxford
First Church Congregational Methuen
First Congregational Church in Stoneham
First United Methodist Church of North Andover
Forest Street Union Church
Free Christian Church
House of Splendor
North Boston United Methodist
Mount of Prayer
Roman Catholic Archbishop of Boston
Saint Agnes Parish
Saint Clare League of Catholic Women
Saint Robert Bellarmine Parish
Second Congregational Church of Boxford
South Church Andover
St. Agnes Parish
St. Augustine's of Lawrence
St. Lucy's Parish
St. Michael Parish
St. Monica Parish
St. Patrick Parish
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Temple Emanuel
The North Parish of North Andover Unitarian Universalist Church
Trinitarian Congregational Church
Unitarian Universalist Church of Reading
Unitarian Universalist Congregation In Andover
West Parish Church of Andover
Women's Evening Circle